Monday, December 05, 2005

Animal Lifespans

How do some animals, like turtles and parrots, live for over
a hundred years but others, like dogs and cats, live for
only a short time?

Hmm, interesting question. I had to hit the internet for answers to this one.

This is a question that many scientists study. Understanding life spans can help us to better understand the human aging process. There are several theories, but we really don't know for sure why some animals live longer than others.

One theory is related to metabolism rates. Animals with faster metabolisms tend to have shorter lifespans than animals with slower metabolisms. However, there are many exceptions to this rule, like birds and bats having high metabolize rates but relatively long lives.

Other theories suggest that evolution factors into lifespan. Some species follow the evolutionary strategy of early and rapid reproduction, at a sacrifice to longevity. Other species, that are more likely to survive early death from predators, etc, can have a more leisurely reproductive cycle and subsequently a slower aging process.


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